Transcribed by Michelle Kelly.
## Intro
Rhi: Welcome back to Duskwall and thank you so much for listening. We are fast approaching the end of Season Two, believe it or not. I just finished editing the final episode of Season Two, which will be released in early September, I believe, and we’re really excited to dive into recording for Season Three soon. In the meantime, please continue to support the show in all the ways you can. Right now, we’d really love to get some new reviews on iTunes. We haven’t gotten too many in the last couple months, and reviews and ratings are a great way for the show to become more visible to new listeners. So if you listen on iTunes or Apple Podcasts, consider leaving us a review, so that new listeners will know what you love about the show.
Gen Con is approaching very quickly, and if you’re going, Minna and I will be there again this year. I will have Magpies bookmarks and I’ll be moderating a panel, ‘So You Want to Start an AP Podcast?’ Tickets are still available for that panel, and we’d love to see some fans there. Next, Minna is going to tell us about this month’s featured charity.
Minna: RAICES is a non-profit agency that promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to under-served immigrant children, families and refugees. They provide consultations, direct legal services, representation, assistance and advocacy to communities in Texas and to clients after they leave the state. In 2017, RAICES staff closed 51,000 cases at no cost to the client. If you’d like to donate to support their work, go to
Rhi: In addition, for our US listeners, please continue to call your representatives and demand that the house begin an impeachment inquiry. Show up to protests against the concentration camps at our borders, or reach out to organisations backing those protests for other ways to help if you can’t attend in person. Raise your voice in whatever way you can.
Now then. Let’s get started, shall we?
## Story continues [00.02.19]
Minna: So… what kind of fucking score is a courtroom drama?
Rhi: Yeah, let’s talk. Probably Social or Deception, let me…
Josie: Fun thing, I have ‘Like Looking in a Mirror’, so that’ll be useful in a courtroom.
Minna: So you’ll know when to press your line of questioning.
Rhi: Yeah, no one can lie to you.
Minna: I feel like Minx has to be, like, the main lawyer, because you’re really good at Sway, too.
Josie: Of course, I’m the one with the aesthetic for it.
Josie and Rhi: [laugh]
Kim: What is your lawyer outfit, and does it include glasses?
Josie: Oh, yes. Absolutely.
Kim: Nice.
Rhi: So, this is probably… I dunno, I feel like this could be a Social or Deception plan.
Minna: I feel like if it’s Social, the connection is that we are Severin’s lawyers.
Josie and Kim: Yeah.
Josie: I honestly feel like this is more Social.
Minna: Yeah. We’re trying to prove the truth.
Rhi: Engagement roll. One for luck. Is this operation particularly bold or daring? Yeah.
Josie: Okay [laughs]
Rhi: You’re impersonating lawyers in a very high-profile case in front of somebody who has been in the group that you were at war with two weeks ago.
Kim: Also, I’m letting someone possess me.
Rhi: Also Blaire’s plan is to let someone possess her.
Minna: Have we, like, changed our hair colours or something? Like, how disguised are we?
Rhi: Yeah, we’ll get into that. Any of your friends or contacts… yeah, you’ve gotten a lot of intel about this. Other elements you wanna consider… you’re not lawyers. I’m removing a die because none of you are actually lawyers. Oh no.
Kim: Oh no.
Rhi: I rolled a 1 and a 2.
Kim: [screams]
Josie: [groans]
Minna: Rhi’s dice.
Kim: No!
Rhi: Okay. Alright. Let me think. So, the three of you spend the next couple days putting disguises together, you know, forging the documents that you need to present yourself as Severin’s legal counsel. Tell me about your disguises.
Josie: Minx is going for ‘elegant, distinguished librarian’ look.
Rhi: Alright.
Josie: And that is gonna kinda be the attitude she’s going for.
Rhi: Right, so glasses, probably has dyed her hair.
Josie: Yes.
Rhi: Yeah, okay.
Minna: Just, in general, what is Minx’s disguise catalogue like? Does she have wigs? Or if we have different hair colours, does it have to be dye?
Josie: Um, both?
Minna: I feel like a blonde wig would actually work as a really effective disguise for Myra.
Rhi: Yeah.
Josie: Yeah, might as well.
Minna: So, Myra has one of Minx’s wigs and, like, a tweed skirt suit. And possibly glasses, as well.
Josie: Minx is dying her hair black for the duration, since she has a couple days to do that.
Rhi: Alright. What is Blaire’s disguise as the witness here?
Kim: I am struggling with this, because I imagine it’s very hard to disguise a Tycherosi.
Minna: But to be fair, if you take off the make-up, that changes a lot.
Rhi: True.
Minna: Maybe you could paint the horns, to like, get a different horn colour?
Rhi: Yeah, do your hair up nice.
Kim: I’m trying to think. How do you disguise a Tycherosi that I’m not a Tycherosi?
Josie: Do you need to look like you’re not a Tycherosi? Can you just look like a different Tycherosi?
Kim: I guess not. I guess making the horns white and throwing the wig on is really all I can do.
Josie: Yeah, might as well.
Rhi: Yeah. Okay. The courtrooms in Duskwall are typically not very large. They don’t usually have much of an audience, so this place is packed to the point of being a little claustrophobic, almost. It’s really, really crowded in here. There are reporters, there are a bunch of other inspectors who have showed up to witness this, there are just people, you know, who are spending their day watching a very public scandal go down. And up at the front of the room, Lady Drake is seated. There’s Minx and Myra, looking very lawyerly. And at the table opposite them is the prosecutor, who is just a city prosecutor. She is making the case for the state. Her name is Thora Kinclaife. Thank you Minna.
Josie: [laughs]
Rhi: And she has just finished, basically, the prosecution’s arguments. You know, presenting the case that the city has. Lady Drake has been listening, occasionally jotting down some notes, but mostly just watching and absorbing. And then her eyes slide over to the two of you, Minx and Myra, and she studies you for a long moment. She’s been glancing at you throughout, just to keep an eye on you, and this is typically the point in the trial where she would call upon the defence to begin their case. But she just studies the two of you for a moment and then says:
Rhi (as Lady Drake): We’re going to take a brief break. I need to speak with the defence counsel in my chambers.
Kim: [groans]
Rhi: And she jerks her head at the door behind her.
Josie: Minx, in an attempt to keep her cool, will look down and do this.
Rhi: Push up her glasses.
Minna: Dramatically push up her glasses.
Josie: She’s going to be doing that after basically everything. [laughs] Because it’s cool.
Rhi: Yes. Yeah, so the two of you follow her through the door at the back of the courtroom. This looks like it’s her office. It’s pretty austere, but it’s minimalist in that way that only rich people can pull off, where it’s like, there’s not a lot in here but the few things that are in here are just oozing money. There’s her desk and then her chair and then two lesser, not as comfortable chairs opposite. She gestures for you to sit, takes a seat at her desk, steeples her fingers and is like:
Rhi (as Lady Drake): Myra Keel and Elizabeth… well, I assume it’s a made-up name.
Minna: [gasps]
Rhi (as Lady Drake): No one in your position would have… Cordonnier, I think, is what you were going by.
Kim: Shit!
Rhi (as Lady Drake): At least, last time you were arrested. Terribly interested to know why I shouldn’t just have you arrested right now.
Josie (as Minx): Well, you presume that is something you would be able to succeed at.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): I could have you both thrown out and arrested, and I’m sure your other little friend is around here somewhere.
Minna (as Myra): Wouldn’t you like to play the game?
Rhi (as Lady Drake): See. I knew I was right about you. I would, is the thing. See, there was all that unpleasantness with Avrathi and Brogan and the constant trying to kill you business, all that unpleasantness. But, there’s been a bit of a division amongst me and my friends, lately. Some of us are still on the side that the best way to deal with you is to just get rid of you. But I think that is a waste of talent. I want to see how well you can do. I want to see if you can pull this off. Severin’s ruined either way. With his reputation being destroyed, he’s not going to be back in the ranks of the Inspectors.
Josie (as Minx): I know the answer to this, but I’ll give you the chance to talk. Why do you want to see what we are made of further?
Rhi (as Lady Drake): I’ve done research into all of you, and you are all remarkably unexceptional criminals. There’s nothing that stands out in your backgrounds. Petty theft, minor identity fraud, your other little friend dabbling with ghosts and getting herself kicked out of school. All rather un-extraordinary. And yet, you have been absolute thorns in our sides for so long. And I believe that you would be far more use in our service than, I don’t know, down at the bottom of a canal somewhere.
Josie (as Minx): Yes, well I much enjoy these games as well. But, it seems a poor opening move to take us aside into a room alone with you.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): You’re not threatening me, are you? Because that would end very poorly for you.
Josie (as Minx): I’m merely questioning your gambit.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): Well, I suppose the only way to find out if it was a mistake or not is to carry on and see how well your arguments go.
Rhi: And she’s gonna stand up and gesture for you two to head to the door.
Kim: Now or never.
Josie: I’m trance powder-ing her.
Rhi: Roll it. Desperate position.
Josie: Yep. I’m pushing myself.
Rhi: Okay. Don’t forget to mark XP for this desperate action as well.
Josie: Ooh, right. I imagine this takes Myra a bit off-guard, so I’m not expecting aid in this.
Minna: Yeah, no. [laughs]
Josie: [laughs]
Minna: Shit, you crit-ed!
Rhi: Jesus.
Josie: Critical.
Kim: Oh, damn.
Rhi: Okay, so you throw the trance powder in her face and she wavers on her feet and then just, kind of like, drops heavily back into her chair. It’s that thing where you’re really tired and you just kinda collapse. It’s like that. And then is just kinda of like spacing out, but she’s not quite as spaced out as normal. She’s clearly pretty out of it, but she kind of is looking at you and smirking a little. It’s a little unsettling. But she doesn’t seem to be moving, otherwise.
Josie: Minx will stand up and lean over the table a bit, and say:
Minna (as Myra): See, the thing about this opening move is it tells me you have not actually done your research on us, or what you’re actually about. Otherwise, you would know this was a terrible opening move for you. Now Myra, what do you think our next move should be? I’m half-tempted to end this, but also to see how the trial plays out in her inebriated state.
Kim: [whispers] Kill, kill, kill.
Rhi: I will remind you that things happen immediately when you kill someone. There is no such thing as a quiet death in Duskwall.
Kim: Oh right, fuck.
Minna (as Myra): If we kill her now, we have to leave very quickly and also somehow get Severin out. Which, I don’t know if we can do that. There are Bluecoats everywhere and I very much think the Spirit Wardens won’t be far behind.
Josie (as Minx): Very well. Then it seems we might need to progress to the mid-game then. Your Honour, would you accompany us back to the courtroom?
Rhi: I mean, she can’t really respond. She’s pretty out of it.
Josie: Is she able to do anything? Or is she just zonked out?
Rhi: Hmm… I think she’s just pretty zonked out, because of the increased effect.
Kim: So, we may have fucked up.
Josie: Okay.
Rhi: Yeah, like if you try to get her to stand, she wobbles on her feet and then falls back in her chair.
Josie: What would happen if we just went back to the courtroom?
Rhi: And just waited?
Josie: Yeah, and just waited.
Rhi: I dunno. You could find out.
Minna: Okay, so then I think maybe Myra leans over Minx’s shoulder.
Minna (as Myra): Let’s play the game. But you have not got a head start. We do.
Rhi: So are you two gonna head back out?
Minna: Yeah.
Rhi: Okay.
Kim: God, it’s a bad idea, guys.
Minna: We didn’t kill her. We could have.
Josie: She’s a well-known and a high-ranking patron of the Church of the Ecstasy of the Flesh. I think it’s totally believable that she, like, took a hit of something once we were done talking.
Rhi: [laughs]
Kim: Oh, true. Alright.
Rhi: We’ll see. So, the two of you return to the courtroom. There’s low murmuring in the crowd, people are scribbling things down, the reporters are taking notes, some people are wandering in and out of the room. And the fifteen minutes that Lady Drake had said the break would be comes and goes. And then another five minutes go by. Then another ten minutes go by. A couple of the Bluecoats are starting to eye each other and are muttering to one another about, like, ‘Should we go?’, and eventually one of them, after a half hour break, goes and knocks on the door. And then, after another few minutes, Lady Drake comes out, still looking a little glassy-eyed, but, you know, moving under her own power. And she takes a seat and doesn’t look that put out about the situation. Still kind of gives you a bit of a smirk and nod as she sits and says:
Rhi (as Lady Drake): The defence may present their case.
Josie: Alright, so, out of character, just making sure we have all the details. Because I am not a lawyer and have really bad memory things in my head.
Rhi: Yes, well let me also, the mechanics of this is that there is a 12-tick clock in order for them to win the case, and they have a limited number of rolls in which they can try to hit that number. The details you have available to you: You are pretty sure that the merchants and nobles who submitted witness statements against Severin were bribed. You have their names and you also have the name of the Bluecoat Lieutenant who collected all of the statements. It was one person who did all of that, which Jeren had pointed out is sketchy. That’s indicative of something else perhaps going on.
Josie: Mm-hmm.
Rhi: You know that The Umbra Hunters were the ones who planted the evidence in Severin’s apartment.
Minna: Yeah, because they have basically two major avenues of evidence. And we have stuff to, kind of, try and discredit both of those.
Rhi: Yes. So, take it away.
Minna: Do we wanna, like… is this where we call our own witnesses? That’s what this portion is?
Rhi: Yeah.
Josie and Minna: Okay.
Minna: I just assume it kinda goes in phases of the trial, and this is our part where we–
Rhi: Yeah, you know, it’s just, like, just wing it. I’m basing this on what I’ve seen on Law & Order, it’s fine. I am not a lawyer.
Josie: [laughs]
Minna: Let’s do the portion where we call our own witnesses, then.
Rhi: To start with you are at risky, standard, and then things will adjust.
Minna: I will say I think our main thesis is all of the evidence that they have shown can be disproven.
Rhi: Yeah. It is lies.
Josie (as Minx): It is our stance that our client, Inspector Severin, stands accused based on false and at the very least improperly carried out procedures of justice. The evidence presented and, to wit, our first witness can attest to, is not sufficient and may have been planted by outside hands. And to this, I call forth our first witness.
Josie: And I will call whatever Blaire’s alias is.
Kim: Jane Jameson.
Rhi: Well, that was your reporter. That was your reporter name.
Kim: Yes.
Minna: What’s your witness name?
Rhi: Are you using the same one?
Kim: Sure.
Kim: No one will know, except Severin.
Josie (as Minx): I call to the stand Jane Jameson.
Rhi: We’re opening with Blaire being possessed. Alright, let’s rock and fucking roll, then! Blaire takes the stand.
Kim: I take an oath, probably.
Rhi: No, I don’t know what they would have you swear on. No, I take that back. It’s probably some kind of oath to the Immortal Emperor.
Minna: Yep.
Kim: Oh gross, yeah, that’s definitely it.
Rhi: That’s super it, yeah.
Minna: It’s like on the seal of the Immortal Emperor that they have in the courtroom.
Rhi: Yeah, swearing to the Immortal Emperor that you will tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So, there’s gonna be basically two rolls that you’re gonna have to do for this. One of them is gonna be to have this ghost possess you and have her not accidentally eat your soul. And then you’re gonna have to make a roll for your argument. I think basically that first roll is the setup roll. And you can have that as a flashback, like it could be that she possessed you a while ago, but you’ve gotta make a roll for it so we know what we’re dealing with here.
Kim: Right. Am I rolling some kinda resistance here?
Rhi: I think you’re doing an Attune roll.
Kim: Oh, okay.
Rhi: To see how well this goes for her, and you, as a combo.
Kim: I think I wanna push myself for luck.
Rhi: Probably a good idea.
Kim: Okay, my highest there was a 5.
Rhi: Okay. So you track Tira down again. She tells you about haunting the labs and throwing things at her old professors and you have a great time. And then you pitch this idea of, like, you’ll possess me and use me to be the witness, and she’s like:
Rhi (as Tira): That sounds like it could end badly for you, but okey dokey!
Josie: [laughs]
Rhi: So, she is sharing headspace with you.
Kim: Yes.
Rhi: And is not trying to eat your soul.
Kim: Yes.
Rhi: Which is great. A+. However, it seems that among the things that she’s forgotten how to do is, like, steer a body.
Rhi: So, you trip three times on your way to the witness stand.
Kim: I should probably just play it off as, like, I am injured or ill or something?
Rhi: Well, so here’s the thing. The two of you are not, like, you’re not Jaeger-ing your body right now. One of you is more in control than the other, and right now since Tira is the one who has to talk, she is the one in control. So, you’re at reduced effect, because you look clumsy and out of it and you do not look like a super reliable witness right now.
Kim: Right.
Rhi: You could push yourself to get yourself back up to standard effect, but right now you’re at reduced effect.
Josie (as Minx): Now, Ms Jameson, would you kindly recount for the court what you witnessed but a few evenings ago.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Certainly.
Rhi: Make your roll first, so that we know how this is gonna be delivered. Because if this roll goes badly, [laughs] you’re not answering, I am. Depending on how badly Tira does.
Kim: Okay. So, that’s a Sway, for sure. Wanna push myself again for an extra dice.
Rhi: Good call. You two are welcome to aid her, as well.
Josie: Yeah, I’m immersing myself in the role.
Kim: So that’s an assist?
Josie: Yeah.
Kim: Thank you. So, my highest was a 4.
Rhi: Okay. So, you do it at reduced effect, and there’s gonna be some kind of consequence. So, okay yeah. Go ahead with what you’re gonna say, and bear in mind that this is Tira and Blaire kind of negotiating how this is going, so it’s probably not gonna sound super coherent.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): [hesitantly] Certainly. So, uh… I think I was–, no, I am a student of Charter Hall and I was doing research–, no, no. I was walking between campuses and, um, when I was doing that I… yes. I passed by, um, Inspector Severin’s apartment, or–
Josie (as Minx): Just for the sake of clarity of the record, may you restate that so no errant phrases have been captured.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): …yes. [pause] I am a student of Charter Hall and I… was walking to the store, when I walked past an apartment that I think was Lord Sev–, no, Inspector Severin’s? And, um, I saw people going into that apartment and… um… they, uh… they did something bad. They, um… uh… they murdered–, no! No, they didn’t murder anyone. They… went, they planted some evidence in the house. Like, the evidence they planted was some coin, no, it wasn’t coin. It… um…
Rhi: [laughs] Severin, by the way, is sitting there with his head in his hands.
Josie: [laughs]
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Sorry, what am I saying, again?
Kim: She’s gonna look at Minx.
Minna: [laughs]
Josie (as Minx): You’re simple recounting the events, do not worry about ascertaining whether it was evidence or not, merely–
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): What events? What events am I retaining?
Josie (as Minx): The events you saw a few evenings ago, while you were walking to the store. As you said.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): [gasps] Oh! Okay, yeah. Yeah. They put guns and drugs in his house. I think. Pretty sure.
Josie (as Minx): And you bore witness to these items being carried?
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Yes.
Josie (as Minx): And they were clearly identifiable as such.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Bluecoats. Wait, no, no, the… Lamp… mm… the Umbro Hunters, I’m pretty sure. The Umbral Hunters. Yeah.
Josie (as Minx): I see, then that is a criminal organisation.
Rhi: Yeah, there’s a little bit of a murmur through the crowd when she says that.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Mm-hmm, yeah. They’re super crime people. They’re big into crime.
Josie (as Minx): I see. And you, for the clarity of the record, saw these Umbra Hunters carrying illicit goods into Severin’s apartment.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Yes.
Josie (as Minx): And I would like the court to note that this is after our client was taken into custody.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): Noted.
Rhi: And she’s just looking at Minx and, like, she just shakes her head a little bit. It’s a look of, ‘I’m disappointed’.
Josie: [laughs]
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Am I free to go now?
Josie (as Minx): You are not being detained. Yes, you may step down from the stand.
Rhi: You trip down the stairs.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Ow. I forgot how to do this.
Josie and Rhi: [laugh]
Rhi: Yeah, so you can wander off to wherever. Kim, that was fucking perfect. It was so good.
Josie and Kim: [laugh]
Kim: Thank you.
Rhi: Oh man.
Josie: Minx is gonna pinch the bridge of her nose.
Rhi: Yep.
Rhi: Alright, so you got 1 out of 12. I think that if Blaire is still, sort of, wandering around up there, eventually a Bluecoat will gently escort you to the back of the room where you can retake your seat.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Oh, where are we going?
Rhi (as Bluecoat): Back to your seat, ma’am. Just, here, have a seat, here you go. Sit down. Please try not to move, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Oh, we’re sitting now. Okay. I can sit. We can sit.
Rhi: [laughs]
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Sitting is very easy for us.
Josie: [laughs]
Rhi: I think the Bluecoat looks at you for a second, then leans down and is like:
Rhi (as Bluecoat): Look, can you tell me who your dealer is, because it sounds like you are on some really serious drugs.
[laughter and applause]
Rhi (as Bluecoat): And lemme tell ya, this job is rough and I feel like I could use whatever you’re on.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Oh, dude, yeah. I could totally hook you up. It’s in my house!
Rhi (as Bluecoat): Okay, where do you live?
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Um, I live in Coalridge.
Rhi (as Bluecoat): Okay, I’ll look you up down there sometime.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Yeah!
Josie: Okay, so I have my next witness.
Rhi: Okay.
Josie: I wanna call the person who took the testimonies to the stand.
Rhi: Okay, yeah, you can do that.
Josie: And basically my goal is to get him to admit that he took all the testimonies.
Minna: But I can follow up with, like, bribery.
Josie: Yes. And mostly I wanna establish that proper procedure wasn’t followed.
Rhi: Okay.
Josie: Because it’s unusual for one person to take all the testimonies.
Rhi: It’s gonna be risky, standard.(TC: 00:30:00)
Josie: I’m gonna make a Sway about it. I got a 5.
Rhi: Yeah, so you question this guy. He’s a little better on the stand than Blaire was. That’s a very low bar to clear. He is pretty smooth, but because you can tell every time he’s lying, you’re able to jump on that as soon as he starts lying, and that throws him off a bit. You do get him to admit that, like, yeah, he took all the statements and that, yeah, that’s unusual. But because you’re not as familiar with the intricacies of the legal code, you’re not able to necessarily pin him down on the specific regulations he’s violating. So there’s an implication of wrongdoing, but it’s not super clear cut.
Josie: Yeah. I think Myra should call the next witness.
Minna (as Myra): I would like to cross-examine one of the opposition’s witnesses.
Rhi: Yeah, so somebody who claimed that they had been–
Minna: Yes. Is this… I wanna say Jemmis Castle?
Rhi: Sure.
Minna: Alright.
Minna (as Myra): I call Jemmis Castle to the stand.
Rhi: Alright. This is one of the merchants who claimed that Severin was shaking them down for money.
Minna: Mm-hmm, yep.
Rhi: Yeah, so go ahead and do your roll.
Minna: What kind of roll is it?
Rhi: Probably a Sway. Could be Command, I could see an argument there. I don’t think that you can really get away with Consort here.
Minna: Yeah, I prefer Command, and I think that makes sense, because we have talked. Okay, flashback that we have talked about this. I don’t know how much it costs, but I think that she was able to, like, talk to this person ahead of time and be like:
Minna (as Myra): You are going to testify. You are going to tell the truth on the stand, because I know–
Minna: Blah, blah, etc. I don’t know if we need to do that as a flashback scene?
Rhi: Oh, so are you saying that Myra spoke to him previously?
Minna: Yes, I said I tracked down the people on the list and I found somebody who was willing to testify for us, in exchange for something. Like, to recant their statement.
Josie: That’s cool.
Rhi: Okay.
Minna: I don’t know in exchange for what. We can discuss that. [laughs]
Rhi: Um… more money than they were paid originally?
Josie: Well, how much we they paid?
Rhi: Let’s find out. They were paid three coin. So if you can beat that.
Minna: I have two coin on my person.
Rhi: And nine in the vault.
Minna: How do you guys feel about that?
Kim: I think we have to.
Josie: Yeah, I’m okay with that.
Rhi: Alright, yeah. So you previously paid this person to testify for you.
Minna: Did I pay stress for that flashback?
Rhi: I’m gonna say one stress, because you also paid a hell of a lot of cash.
Minna: I’m gonna take two more so I can push myself. That gives me… I start with two dice, add another die for the push myself, then I have greater effect. Does anybody wanna assist me, or is anybody able to assist me?
Josie: Yeah, you know what? I’ll assist you. We’re a legal team working together, that’s not hard to justify.
Rhi: So four dice.
Minna: 6!
Rhi: Nice. Okay, so at greater effect that is gonna get you 5 ticks on your clock. This is huge.
Minna: [excited gasp] This is huge, because it discredits so many others! Okay, so I think what it looks like is:
Minna (as Myra): Jemmis Castle, were you one of the witnesses who submitted a sworn statement?
Rhi (as Jemmis): I was, yes.
Minna (as Myra): And did you tell the whole truth in that statement?
Rhi: No. No, I didn’t.
Kim: [exaggerated gasp]
Rhi: Yeah, a gasp goes off through the crowd. And this person seems to be, kind of like, realising that now they’re the centre of attention of this whole thing and is like:
Rhi (as Jemmis): [dramatically] Yeah, that’s right. This Bluecoat Lieutenant came and said that he would offer me money if I signed this statement, and I barely remembered Inspector Severin, but I figured I could use the coin. But it’s just been weighing on my conscience since then and I have to tell the truth!
Rhi: And so, yeah, this person just explains–
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): You’re doing amazing, sweetie!
Rhi: So this person just explains how all of it was complete fabrication. All of it was made up. And that just shockwaves through the courtroom. Lady Drake has to call for order. It’s a huge bombshell. And bumps you up to 8 out of 12 on your clock.
Kim: Nice.
Minna: I think Myra just dismisses the witness and primly sits down in the midst of all this uproar.
Rhi: Yeah.
Minna: Shoots a little smirk Drake’s way.
Rhi: She kinda does the nod of like, ‘Alright, yeah. You did a good one’. You’ve recovered. Here’s the thing; from Lady Drake’s perspective, no matter how this turns out, she’s considering it a win. Because either she gets to convict this guy, or she gets further evidence that you all are worth pursuing in a different way. So, how do you wanna wrap this up?
Josie: I have a train of thought here, but there’s a missing link. We know that former Umbra Hunters worked at The Centuralia Club, correct?
Rhi: Yeah.
Josie: What would I need to pull out of my ass right now to show that to the court?
Minna: Well, Brogan owned The Centuralia Club and Severin put him away. We could suggest that this is a frame-up job on his behalf.
Josie: That’s exactly what I’m going to suggest, but right at the beginning there, we need that plausible nugget for me to say persons associated with the Umbra Hunters were working at The Centuralia Club.
Rhi: I don’t think that’s too much of a stretch.
Minna: Especially if we say that Blaire, slash Tira, described their uniforms, and we could get another witness who has seen the uniforms of the guards at The Centuralia Club. Because don’t they use the same uniforms?
Rhi: Yeah. They’re not subtle.
Minna: I don’t think it would be very tough to find multiple witnesses who could describe the uniforms of the guards at The Centuralia Club.
Josie: Okay.
Rhi: Yeah, I think then you can say the former owner of The Centuralia Club was put away–
Minna: The former owner of The Centuralia Club was put away by Inspector Severin. Maybe the two of us, like, examine a series of witnesses and then do the closing argument.
Josie: Okay.
Minna: So, do we wanna do a group roll?
Kim: I guess.
Rhi: I think that would make sense.
Minna: Like a group Sway or something.
Josie: Yeah, let’s do a group Sway.
Minna: Okay. I’m gonna push myself so I have an extra die.
Rhi: I would recommend pushing yourself to get greater effect.
Minna: Okay. I can do that.
Kim: Okay, here we go.
Rhi: Beep beep.
Kim: I got 1.
Josie: I got 5.
Minna: I got a 6!
Rhi: Okay.
Kim: Thank God. Sorry.
Josie: Phew.
Minna: So that’s like a crit, right? For greater effect?
Josie: Well, crit is two 6s.
Rhi: Well, no, but at greater effect.
Minna: I pushed for greater effect.
Rhi: Yeah.
Josie: Ah.
Rhi: So, that is gonna get you up to a 13 out of 12.
Minna: [delighted gasp]
Rhi: Which will do the trick.
Kim: Nice.
Rhi: So, the two of you, Minx and Myra, tag team this series of witnesses, building your case of, you know, we’ve shown the weakness of these sworn statements and now we have this witness who saw The Umbra Hunters planting evidence and then we can connect The Umbra Hunters to this place and to Brogan. And you build this through-line.
Josie (as Minx): And with that–
Josie: Minx pushes up her glasses–
Josie (as Minx): The defence rests.
Rhi: The courtroom is just abuzz. Lady Drake leans back in her chair and just surveys the two of you, and then her eyes flick to the back of the room where Blaire is sitting. She nods and is like,
Rhi (as Lady Drake): Well. I will retire for my deliberations, and I believe I should have a verdict rather soon.
Rhi: And she nods and stands and goes back into her office. And yeah, the courtroom is abuzz. I think that all three of you get grabbed by different reporters for quotes at different points.
Minna: Beautiful.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): What would you like to know?
Josie: [giggles]
Rhi: Jesus.
Minna: [laughs] They’re gonna get very weird quotes from Blaire.
Rhi: Yeah, from the Blaire-Tira conglomerate.
Kim: Blira, please.
Rhi: ‘Blira’, oh Jesus. That’s a bad sign.
Josie: Minx kinda lets the façade crack a little bit and revels in the attention. [laughs]
Rhi: Oh, yeah. So, I think it’s about an hour, which in Duskwall is unbelievably long. Because it’s not a jury that has to deliberate, it’s one person making up their mind. So the fact that it takes an hour before she comes back out, like, everyone is on edge and as soon as she comes back out, the courtroom is just abuzz again. She sits down, folds her hands on the desk in front of her.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): Well. This was a very difficult case. A great deal of evidence to consider. But, in the end, it appears that Gilbert Severin is not guilty of the charges against him.
Kim: Woo!
Rhi: And the crowd explodes.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Yeah!
Rhi: People are just losing their minds.
Josie: Tira explodes, too.
Rhi: Yeah, Tira and Blaire also. The Inspectors are just like, they don’t know exactly what to do with this, because they pretty much figured that he was just a done deal. Severin, throughout the case he was looking a little more impressed with you and he just kinda like gives you all a respectful nod of, like, ‘Alright, thanks’.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): We did it!
Josie: That fucking played out perfectly. Because whenever the protagonist in these situations has a courtroom scene, it always starts out fumbling and weird. And it definitely did that.
Rhi: Mm-hmm. Yep.
Josie: Thank you Kim.
Rhi: Yeah, and I think at some point Minx or Myra, or maybe both of you, look back at Lady Drake. And if you make eye contact, she just kind of smirks and mouths:
Rhi (as Lady Drake): We’ll be in touch.
Rhi: And then heads back into her office.
Kim: So, we’re definitely killing her at some point, right?
Josie: I mean, yes.
Rhi: [clapping with delight] I’m so glad I got you to wanting to kill within one session. Yay!
Josie: Can I get a way to follow her?
Rhi: You can try, but I am gonna require a roll for it, because there are Bluecoats around and you would have to be sneaking past them.
Josie: Okay. Alright, I’m gonna roll… sounds like Prowl is what it would be here.
Rhi: Yeah.
Josie: I’m gonna do that. I’m not gonna push myself or anything, if I fail it’s not a big deal.
Rhi: Yeah.
Josie: But I did get a 6.
Rhi: Jesus Christ. Okay, so Minx, in the general chaos of the room, you’re able to slip away. And I think what it is, is that she has actually gone through her office and out to a hall behind it. So yeah, you follow her out into that hallway, which, like, it’s not super private, but right now there isn’t really anybody else around, everybody’s over in the courtroom. And she’s just walking away.
Josie: I actually want to catch up and talk to her.
Rhi: Okay.
Josie (as Minx): So, this is far from checkmate.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): Indeed. Though you were quite impressive.
Josie (as Minx): Well, we did try. But you were trying for a very different prize at the end of this game than us.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): This trial is but one move in a larger endeavour.
Josie (as Minx): That is precisely what I was saying.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): I know that you have your principles and your beliefs, and that it is not going to take simply this one encounter to convince you. But everyone has a price, Minx. And someday, we’ll find yours.
Josie (as Minx): Perhaps. And yet, you seek a very odd prize.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): I recognise talent where I see it.
Josie (as Minx): I’m not speaking of us.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): I recognise power where I see it, too.
Josie (as Minx): Is it really that simple for you? You need more?
Rhi (as Lady Drake): Spoken like someone who’s never had any.
Josie (as Minx): Perhaps, though it’s unfortunate. I’d hoped there’d be a bit more character to this game.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): Oh, I’m not going to reveal everything just yet. Where’s the fun in that?
Josie (as Minx): Just make sure that we do not tire of the game.
Rhi (as Lady Drake): I wouldn’t worry about that. Best of luck.
Rhi: And then she’s gonna stroll off.
Josie: I’ll let her. Minx will head back to everyone else.
Rhi: Yep. Alright, so let’s do downtime stuff. And I wanna start with Blaire.
Kim: So, I imagine my downtime scene is that I just bring Tira to the reconciled.
Rhi: Yeah, for sure. I’m going to have to talk to myself. So have you popped her out of your head yet, or are just carrying her–
Kim: Oh, yeah.
Rhi: Okay.
Kim: Yeah, as soon as we can separate, we’re out.
Rhi: Okay.
Kim (as Blaire): That went pretty good!
Rhi (as Tira): Yeah. It was weird having a body again.
Kim (as Blaire): Yeah, I could tell.
Rhi (as Tira): I kinda liked it but, I mean, yeah. It was nice not being cold.
Kim (as Blaire): Oh. I’m sorry.
Rhi (as Tira): But I didn’t… limbs are hard.
Kim (as Blaire): Yeah, I get it now. I mean, I can try and hook you up with someone who actually wants to be possessed, if you want. I can ask around.
Rhi (as Tira): Wow, there are people who do that?
Kim (as Blaire): Some people are into it.
Rhi (as Tira): Is it like a kinky thing?
Kim (as Blaire): Sometimes it’s a kinky thing.
Rhi (as Tira): I don’t know if I wanna be into that. I think I just kinda like having a body.
Kim (as Blaire): Well I can let you think about it.
Rhi (as Tira): Okay. Who are these friends? I wanna meet your friends.
Kim (as Blaire): Yeah, I’ll bring you to them.
Rhi (as Tira): Your dead ghost friends.
Kim (as Blaire): Yeah. They’re called the reconciled and they’re called that because they are people who have passed on who have still retained their minds. Like you!
Rhi (as Tira): Oh, me?
Kim (as Blaire): Yeah, so they can help you, you know, navigate this a little better and help you out with what you need. You know, you could be around like-minded people.
Rhi (as Tira): Can I, like, come hang out with you sometimes?
Kim (as Blaire): Yeah!
Rhi (as Tira): Because you’re pretty cool.
Kim (as Blaire): Yeah, please! You know, once my house isn’t, you know, warded against ghosts, you can totally come and hang out. I have a cat. She would like you.
Rhi (as Tira): You have a cat?
Kim (as Blaire): Yeah, his name is Hex.
Rhi (as Tira): That’s awesome. That’s a really good name for a cat.
Kim (as Blaire): Yeah, he’s a cutie.
Rhi (as Tira): I think I might have had a cat…
Kim (as Blaire): Aww.
Minna: Oh.
Rhi (as Tira): I don’t remember. Oh well. Are we gonna make drugs for that dude?
Kim (as Blaire): We’ll talk about that. I think it’ll be very profitable. We can figure something out. But we can talk about that next time you come over.
Rhi (as Tira): Okay.
Kim (as Blaire): Let me get you to your friends.
Rhi: Okay. So yeah, unless you wanna do more with it, I think that’s good.
Kim: I guess. I mean, unless you wanted to talk to yourself?
Rhi: I don’t particularly like talking to myself as an NPC if I can avoid it.
Kim: Okay.
Rhi: Yeah, alright. I’ve given you all another cute friend.
Kim: Yay, and she’s a cute ghost.
Josie: Yay!
Rhi: Yeah. Minx, what are you doing with your free time?
Josie: Yeah, so I think I’m just gonna go chill with Nyryx for a bit.
Rhi: Okay.
Josie: Probably not a big, fancy date this time. It’s probably a cuddle night.
Rhi: Aww, just hanging out at her place?
Josie: Probably a cuddle night, yeah.
Rhi: Okay. So, yeah, Nyryx has the night off and she still has some gripes about work. Apparently someone new has been hired to handle the schedules, so it’s gotten a little better, but they’re still learning. So, you know, I’m picturing you’re cuddling in bed and she’s undoing the braids in your hair, and playing with your hair while you’re talking.
Josie: Aww, yay! Minx is gonna go into the score that just went down, because she’s proud of how it went down, and is like:
Josie (as Minx): I got to talk to the papers so much, I was getting so much attention! And yeah, even with Blaire’s thing, what with it happening willingly, it still worked out fine. Nicest spirit I’ve ever met, I’ll say. Still freaked me out though. It honestly looked like she was more drunk than anything. Anyway, but then Myra pulled in this witness–
Josie: And goes on like that.
Rhi: Yeah. I’m picturing that Nyryx is sitting behind Minx, so Minx can’t really see her expression, but she’s just, like, very wide-eyed. And she’s kind of like:
Rhi (as Nyryx): Hmm, yeah. I’m glad that it all worked out for you. It sounds like it was quite an event.
Josie (as Minx): Indeed. It was exciting. And we got some good information, and it was like out of a dime novel.
Rhi (as Nyryx): What name did you use? I’ll look for you in the papers.
Josie (as Minx): Kyra Langston, attorney at law.
Rhi (as Nyryx): Well I’ll be sure to clip it out and save it forever. Finally, some good news about you in the paper.
Josie: Minx is gonna whirl around for a kiss.
Rhi: Yeah. Oh, it’s so cute and so sad.
Josie: Mm-hmm.
Rhi: Oh no! Myra.
Minna: Hello.
Rhi: Hello.
Minna: Maybe what I do is check in with Jeren afterwards, to thank him.
Rhi: Yeah.
Minna: See how he feels about this whole business. I guess we can say that this is the vice I’m indulging, because I didn’t specify.
Rhi: I think that makes sense. So where do you wanna meet up with him? Back in the library?
Minna: I dunno, it’s either that or the café, or maybe we need to establish more locations. I dunno.
Rhi: Let’s go with the café. This is about the least conflicted that you’ve seen Jeren in a while when he’s come to meet you.
Minna: [laughs]
Rhi: He sits down and is like:
Rhi (as Jeren): So, that went well.
Minna (as Myra): It did. Thank you for your advice, it was very helpful.
Rhi (as Jeren): Yeah.
Minna (as Myra): And the list of people.
Rhi (as Jeren): It was all true, what you all were saying, right?
Minna (as Myra): Yeah. Every word of it.
Rhi (as Jeren): Okay. Because, I mean, it’d be just as easy for both sides to make things up, I guess.
Minna (as Myra): I don’t think we made things up. We did have to engage in a little bit of cheating. But only to bring out the truth.
Rhi (as Jeren): Was your friend okay?
Minna (as Myra): Oh. It’s okay, we just… a rather unconventional witness, but…
Rhi (as Jeren): Yeah…
Minna (as Myra): I don’t know if you wanna hear the details.
Rhi (as Jeren): If you’re saying that, I definitely don’t. I know better than to ask questions after you say something like that.
Minna (as Myra): No, but she’s fine. She just had a little bit of trouble.
Rhi (as Jeren): Alright. Well, I’m glad this all worked out and he’s innocent. I haven’t heard yet if he’s gonna be reinstated.
Minna (as Myra): Yes, I suppose it’s possible that he won’t be. But at least he’s not in Ironhook. Lady Drake could have put him away for a long time.
Rhi (as Jeren): Yeah. You did good. You know, you could that professionally, if you wanted.
Minna (as Myra): [laughs] I could, if I had any belief that the justice system was usually working towards good. Unfortunately, in this case, we were involved because we knew it wasn’t. And I think if she really, really wanted to win, she could have.
Rhi (as Jeren): Who? Lady Drake? Or the other lawyer?
Minna (as Myra): No, Drake.
Rhi (as Jeren): Oh. Well what was she winning? She was just deciding the case.
Minna (as Myra): Lady Drake has her own reasons to want Severin gone. Especially if he was looking into Mora.
Rhi (as Jeren): Oh… okay. I don’t see the connection there, but I’ll take your word for it, I guess.
Minna (as Myra): Steer away from them if they decide to start asking about me, that’s all I’ll say.
Rhi (as Jeren): Okay, I’ll do my best. I don’t really talk to people with Lord or Lady in front of their name too often, so it shouldn’t be that hard.
Minna (as Myra): No, I guess not that often. Just be careful. And I suppose we should be a little more careful about meeting up, when we do.
Rhi (as Jeren): Yeah.
Minna (as Myra): We might have to set up a better system for getting in contact.
Rhi (as Jeren): Alright. Well, I’ll try and think of something.
Minna (as Myra): I’ll put my head to it as well.
Rhi: And I think we cut outside a little while later and see the two of them head off. And then the camera kind of pans over, and there’s a silhouette of someone watching them.
##Outro [00.51.42]
Rhi: Thanks for listening. The Magpies will be back in two weeks. In the meantime, follow us on Twitter @magpies_pod and visit our Patreon at
The Magpies podcast is GMed and produced by Rhi. Follow me on Twitter @rhiannon42 and check out for my copy editing and accessibility freelance site.
Blaire Culhane is played by Kim Kogut. Follow her on Twitter @kimdianajones.
Minx is played by Josie. Follow her on Twitter @DragonGirlJosie and watch her art streams at
Myra Keel is played by Minna. Follow her on Twitter @mynaminnarr.
The opening and closing theme music is from ‘Trio for Piano, Violin and Viola’ by Kevin MacLeod and is used under a Creative Commons license.
The Blades in the Dark roleplay system is the creation of John Harper and is published by Evil Hat Productions.
Now I’d like to thank our lovely Patreon backers.
Thomas Smith, thank you.
Ted Kerne, thank you.
##Blooper [00.53.06]
Rhi: The prosecutor declines to cross-examine.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Aw, come on!
Rhi: Because she’s just like ‘I cannot do any worse to this case than they just did to themselves, I’m good’.
Josie: [laughs]
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): I will totally be cross eliminated. I can do that.
Rhi: She’s just clearly trying not laugh.
Kim (as Tira via Blaire): Please cross eliminate me!