Phin Haig

Phin is a short, stocky woman with olive skin and short, tousled brown hair. Her clothes are dirty and baggy and have a few rips and patches. She has a smirk on her face and is punching one palm with her other hand.

Name: Phin Haig

Playbook: Cutter

Age: 23

Heritage: Akoros

Background: Trade

Vice: Stupor — Fight Pits

Played By: Madge

Phin is the third of the six Haig children, and the oldest daughter. She was raised on the docks and spent most of her childhood helping around her family’s storefront or actually going out to fish. As she got older, she became more and more aware of the corruption and violence directed at the families on the docks – most of whom were too poor or too weak to dare fight back. A few years after she came to this realization, Phin had seen enough, and paired up with another child from the docks to fight back against the gangs extorting their neighbors. After that, she started taking up jobs here and there to make some extra coin until she fell in with Myra. The two founded the Magpies, and the rest is history.